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Banish My Bumps

We believe no one should suffer with KP! Banish My Bumps provides you answers to practical, homemade and natural solutions, that anyone living in any part of the world can easily perform! This is an easy, Step-By-Step, affordable system so that you to can show your skin to the world.

The particular cause of Keratosis Pilaris is unidentified. Usually, it happens when there is a difficulty on the production of the keratin that is called hyper keratinizatinization. Keratosis Pilaris is believed to be inherited partially in origin. About fifty percent up to seventy percent of patients with this type of skin condition have identified genetic predisposition and has a higher rate of affected members of the family. This skin condition is closely related also to dry skin, allergies, asthma, eczema, atopic dermatitis and rhinitis.

What Causes KP?

The red bumps in Keratosis Pilaris seem to rise from the unnecessary build-up of keratin dry skin particles and very small at the hair follicles opening. The skin as observed under the hand held microscope demonstrates mild condensing, plugging and hyperkeratosis of your hair follicle. Your upper skin layers may have a number of dilation of the minor superficial blood vessels. In this manner, it gives the skin a flushed or reddish appearance.

Keratosis Pilaris is not infectious, therefore people surrounding you are safe from this irritating skin condition. The condition is worse during winter. Summer season is normally a reprieve as it brings moisture and usually allows the skin condition to smooth up more than normal. The aggravating is associated directly with lower moisture, tight clothes and skin dryness that cause to rub the red bumps all the times. Many people stated that this skin condition worsened during the period of pregnancy before and after child birth. Medical doctors and patients as well, believed that keratosis pilaris is also related to food intake.

With good determination, people who are suffering Keratosis Pilaris can get free from this condition by replenishing and moisturizing most often the skin lipid content. Then clogged pores can be eradicated by taking hot, long soaking baths and then by rubbing the affected area using a coarse washcloth, loofah or stiff brush. A right proceeding of microdermabrasion can really aid a lot in getting rid of extra keratin. Prescribed medications also help to lessen the appearance of Keratosis Pilaris leaving your skin supple and smooth such as antibiotics.

Knowing all the causes of Keratosis Pilaris will help you to determine on how to cure this skin condition. You have to remember that proper diet and using only natural remedies will aid you a lot to lessen your burden with this frustrating condition.

Natural Treatments for Keratosis Pilaris

If you are searching for KP treatment, bear in mind that this skin condition doesn’t need to be cured using conventional medication that may worsen the problem. Begin with the basics like proper skin care and proper diet, and this will essentially enhance your condition.

In your diet, include foods rich in vitamin E and essential fatty acids like omega-3, 6 and 9 as well as GLA as these aids in regulating the abnormal production of your skin outer layers. In short, they aid stimulate a healthy process of skin exfoliation that in turn helps your skin get rid of the body toxins. Regular cleansing washes away the dead skin cells from your body. In some circumstances, you may need to help the process of exfoliation by using exfoliating cleansers or soaps or even body loofah.

This skin condition usually indicates imbalance immune system and lack of moisture. You want to bring back the moisture of your skin and this can be done by increasing your water intake and using skin moisturizer. Additionally, you need to re-establish balance by means of detoxifications and proper nutrition in order to remove the toxins which affect your immune health.

It is good to know that keratosis pilaris is harmless enough and can be treated easily. With proper diet and modifying your lifestyle, you can fight this condition easily. Choose the natural cure for keratosis pilaris to prevent more toxins to get into the body that can worsen the skin condition. Proper diet and healthy lifestyle is your way of having a healthy and flawless skin.

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